Day By Day - Isaiah 4
on October 14th, 2020
- By Anne Horsburgh (with help from Personal Thoughts: We always enjoy the positive over the negative. And here God gives hope in the midst of a prophecy against Judah.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 3
on October 13th, 2020
- By Paul Rich - Opening Considerations God's unmerciful judgement is a fearful thing. In Isaiah Chapter Three, we read about the calamity that is about to fall on Judah and Jerusalem. This prophetic word paints a very clear picture. Only fools would ignore such a warning.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 2
on October 12th, 2020
- By Catherine Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: As I step back a little and look into the Book of Isaiah, I see in this 2nd chapter what strikes me as the forecasting of three extraordinary latter days. They are: 1 - The last days; 2 - The Day, and 3 - That day. Let’s look at them.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 1
on October 11th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Introduction: As I open the book of Isaiah, I am acutely aware that this is a book of judgement, a book of threats and a book filled with love.  Read More
Day By Day - 29th September to 7th October
on September 27th, 2020
Do you know the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding? (Phil 4: 7) Come on a journey to discover how.  Read More
Day By Day - 18th to 27th September
on September 17th, 2020
Do you want more peace in your life? Do you want tranquility to be more than just a wish? You can gain true peace but only from one source—God.  Read More






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