Posts with the category “you-version-plans”

Day By Day: ALL IN
by Lyn Hinton on April 5th, 2021
"All In" comes from Acts 2:42-47, where the Holy Spirit fell on Jesus's disciples and transformed the hearts and lives of everyone present on the Day of Pentecost.   Read More
Day By Day: HE IS RISEN!
by Lyn Hinton on April 1st, 2021
He is risen! Whether or not it’s the Easter season, our hearts need a daily reminder of the power of the resurrection.  Read More
Day By Day - HEAL
by Lyn Hinton on February 21st, 2021
This 30-day study examines the healing accounts of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. How did He heal, who, when, why and what can you learn from Him?  Read More
Day By Day - 21 Prayers Every Christian Should Pray
by Lyn Hinton on January 31st, 2021
21 Prayers Every Christian Should Pray (21 Days) Twenty-one simple, Bible-based prayers that will enrich your prayer life and help you draw closer to God.  Read More
NEW YEAR - Fresh Perspective, Renewed Purpose
by Lyn Hinton on January 17th, 2021
New Year: Fresh Perspective. Renewed Purpose. 10 Days In this 10-day devotional, we explore the perspective needed to kick the new year off right! Discover how to realign your heart, mind, and goals to seek after the heart and will of God and watch as your God-given purpose and passion is renewed!  Read More
Four Gifts of Christmas
by Lyn Hinton on December 20th, 2020
Four Gifts of Christmas When the Magi found Jesus, they honoured Him with gifts: Gold for the everlasting King, Frankincense for the Wonderful Counsellor, Myrrh for the Mighty Warrior, and Worship for the Prince of Peace. How will you honour Him today?  Read More
The Whisper of God
by Lyn Hinton on December 13th, 2020
The Whisper of God: An Invitation to the Secret Place (5 Days) A loud voice easily draws a crowd. It takes purposeful intention to lean into a whisper. “Shhh, I’m trying to listen.” The whisper of God is an invitation to the secret place. He gently whispers...  Read More
Day By Day - 29th September to 7th October
by Lyn Hinton on September 27th, 2020
Do you know the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding? (Phil 4: 7) Come on a journey to discover how.  Read More
Day By Day - 18th to 27th September
by Lyn Hinton on September 17th, 2020
Do you want more peace in your life? Do you want tranquility to be more than just a wish? You can gain true peace but only from one source—God.  Read More
Day By Day - 11th September to 17th September
by Lyn Hinton on September 10th, 2020
Join us we begin the 4th and last part of the YouVersion Series: 'Inspiration for Transformation - Fight the Good Fight.'  Read More
Day By Day - 4th September to 10th September
by Lyn Hinton on September 3rd, 2020
Join us we begin Part 3 of the YouVersion Series: 'Inspiration for Transformation - The Unstoppable Force of the Gospel'.  Read More
Day By Day - 28th August to 3rd September
by Lyn Hinton on August 27th, 2020
Join us we begin Part 2 of the YouVersion Series: 'Inspiration for Transformation - Glory of God'.  Read More
Day By Day - 21st August to 27th August
by Lyn Hinton on August 20th, 2020
Join us we begin another YouVersion Series: 'Inspiration for Transformation'.  Read More
Day By Day - 3rd August to 20th August
by Lyn Hinton on August 2nd, 2020
This series takes the Sermon on the Mount and breaks out the Beatitudes in ways that help make them more understandable and relevant to our lives. This devotional series has been wirtten by Bryant Wright and Right From The Heart Ministry.  Read More
Day By Day - 24th July to 2nd August
by Lyn Hinton on July 23rd, 2020
It’s not if you face trials, tragedies and loss but when. What will you do when your life careens wildly into crisis? This 10-day devotional based on 'Through the Eyes of a Lion' by Levi Lusko will help you train for trials you are not yet in. Each day you will discover that where there is impossible pain there is incredible power.  Read More






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