Posts with the category “isaiah”

Day By Day - Isaiah 45
by Lyn Hinton on December 10th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Personal Thoughts: Chapter 45 sees God call and anoint a non-believer, Cyrus, to be used to ensure His purposes for the Jewish nation are fulfilled. It also confirms that He is the only one true God and Saviour of the world. Key Points: 1 - Cyrus is Called   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 44
by Lyn Hinton on December 9th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: This chapter has three distinct sections: encouragement for God’s people (vv. 1 - 8), a discourse on the futility of idols (vv. 9 - 20) and a call to honour and trust in the Lord (vv. 21 - 28).  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 43
by Lyn Hinton on December 8th, 2020
- By Catherine Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: Here we see the children of Abraham, the chosen servants of God, who were a type of Christ, meeting for the first time via Isaiah’s vision, the Ultimate Servant Christ. He is the fulfilment of the type which they were, and the One in whom the God of Abraham would be fully glorified: Acts 3:13 AMP “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His Servant and Son Jesus [doing Him this honour], He is the One…” I wonder what Israel made of this prophecy? They alone, until this word, had been endowed with the status of being the Servants of the Lord.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 42
by Lyn Hinton on December 7th, 2020
By Paul Rich Opening Thoughts: Isaiah 42:9 - “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.” The accuracy of Scripture is truly amazing! Hundreds of years before the event, God lays out His plan in detail. If it was left to me to prophesy, I'd be a little more general, like, "It will rain in the near future", and I'd be as accurate as modern-day weather bureaus. But God wanted people to know His plan for mankind.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 41
by Lyn Hinton on December 6th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: Remembering that the Bible was not written in chapters and verses, it is hard not to want to include the last few verses of Chapter 40 to give context to Chapter 41. There is so much promise in this chapter but it follows on from a verse that tells us that, “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” This is not a casual nod to the possibility of a god but a dedication to being fully committed to the King of Kings and to being sold out to the one true God.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 40
by Lyn Hinton on December 3rd, 2020
- By Jacob Muthsam - Personal Thoughts: We have come to a junction and a turning point in the book of Isaiah. The previous 39 chapters carried a large focus on warnings and judgement (although, not without sections of hope and encouragement). But from here, in this chapter, there is a real shift. It now turns to be a prophetic message - that the future is filled with goodness and blessing and favour.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 39
by Lyn Hinton on December 2nd, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - Opening Thoughts: “The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD.” Isaiah 39:6 Hezekiah had faithfully followed God and led the nation towards God all his life but as we saw in Chapter 38, he came down with a sickness and was told he would die. After turning his face to the wall in prayer to God, he was told he would live another fifteen years.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 38
by Lyn Hinton on December 1st, 2020
By Leanne Rich Opening Thoughts: Such a moving chapter! I have a few thoughts about this chapter that may help us when we are suffering. Key Points: Learning from suffering and sickness 1.Hezekiah gave thanks for the time he was ill.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 37
by Lyn Hinton on November 30th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: This chapter sees Judah’s enemies trying to intimidate them with their prideful accusations, arrogance and by casting fear over the inhabitants of Judah. We also see Hezekiah’s example of what to do when we are overwhelmed - we are to stand strong on the Word of God when experiencing hard times. Finally, we see the results of God’s continued protection over His people. There is so much in this chapter, again I encourage you to explore it further.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 36
by Lyn Hinton on November 29th, 2020
- By John and Anne Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: The Assyrian king came to attack and capture God’s people and sent one of his men to challenge Hezekiah and the Israelites. His challenge was, “Why waste your lives trusting in your God?” But he also spoke of the fallacy of trusting in Egypt. He was quite correct to say that Egypt would be of no value. How foolish to challenge God and equate Him with the idols of the surrounding peoples!  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 35
by Lyn Hinton on November 26th, 2020
- By Paul Rich - Opening Thoughts: Take a moment to consider the condition of your spiritual heart. Are you looking at life through your natural eyes, or are you quietly confident in spite of what you are going through?  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 34
by Lyn Hinton on November 25th, 2020
- By Catherine Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: Read the chapter a few times. You will need to for here in the chapter titled, “The Judgment of the Nations”, the Battle of Armageddon is foretold. Mathew Henry labels it, “a prophecy of the wars of the Lord.” Think of two movies, Armageddon and Wars of the World. Now roll them into one and then understand that the story here is fact, not fiction; the enemy here will not be defeated for He is the Lord of Divine Judgement and Vengeance, and the ending scene here is final destruction.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 33
by Lyn Hinton on November 24th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: It would take far more than a short devotion to garner the full meaning of much of the language used in this chapter, in fact, in a lot of this book. For example, vs 9 uses “Lebanon”, “Sharon” and “Bashan” to convey meaning but these names do not hold the same meaning for us as it did for those in Isaiah’s time. These names are significant of pride, wealth (plenty) and strength; and their judgment sees ‘pride’ become ashamed, ‘plenty’ become a wilderness and ‘strength’ become feeble. This is looking to a day when those that stand against God and His people will face their judgment but it is also a chapter filled with praise and worship.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 32
by Lyn Hinton on November 23rd, 2020
- By Keziah Muthsam - Opening Thoughts: Isaiah Chapter 32 is a prophetic declaration of the coming of the righteous King. It was thought to have been written in the time of King Ahaz and spoke of the impending Assyrian invasion of Judah. There are two thoughts as to whom the prophet is talking about; King Hezekiah and the Messiah, Jesus. King Hezekiah was a pre-runner or human picture of the coming Messiah. However, being human he was unable to fulfil the prophecy completely, a task that only the true righteous King, the Son of God could achieve.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 31
by Lyn Hinton on November 22nd, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty Opening Thoughts: The last chapter that I wrote about, Chapter 23, was regarding God calling on the people of Tyre to repent and concerning the destruction of that nation for following its own achievements instead of following God. Here in Chapter 31, we have Israel looking to go its own way and team up with Egypt instead of repenting and following God. “Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help …”.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 30
by Lyn Hinton on November 19th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Personal Thoughts: I want to look at the easily overlooked blessings in this chapter. There are four that I've identified. In verse 15 we read, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength,...'  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 29
by Lyn Hinton on November 18th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Personal Thoughts: This chapter begins with yet another severe warning to us, “Woe to Ariel” or “Woe to Jerusalem”. This opening statement should make us stand up and listen to what Isaiah is saying. Contained within this chapter are three distinct areas: The Judgements on Jerusalem and on its enemies; the senselessness and hypocrisy of the Jews; and finally, we see the conversion of the Gentiles and future blessings for the Jews.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 28
by Lyn Hinton on November 17th, 2020
- By Anne Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: I am no scholar! And when I come to writing a complete devotional on a chapter, I go into flight mode and panic. It takes so long to see something or, in some cases, to be able to choose from the many ideas. In saying this, today, as I write this devotion, I have come about it from an outside path. Today, I had to take Ivy, our cat, to the vet for her annual vaccination. No big deal - until I put her in her cage. I got really emotional and said to John, “the last time I did this was to evacuate and leave.” I had to leave my love, and known sanctuary: both of which were being invaded by fire, chaos and destruction and drive through smoke, flames and evil darkness to a refuge of safety and care, in James & Susanna’s home. (Thank you, again). Praise God, I am here to tell the story and still have my love and my sanctuary.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 27
by Lyn Hinton on November 16th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Opening Thoughts: There are truths in Scripture that can never be shaken. They cannot be watered down. They are black and white, never shades of grey. In this chapter, we can see foretold the work of Jesus and the final end of God's enemies. Keys Points: 1. The Lord's Sword The sword of the Spirit is alluded to in verse 1, in the fight against and final defeat of Satan. Ephesians 6:17 tells us to 'take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.'  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 26
by Lyn Hinton on November 15th, 2020
- By Catherine Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: Vs 1 - When God does the great things we have read about so far in Isaiah, a new song of praise will flow in the congregation of the saints. Point 1: A Tribe and City of Praise - Vs 1 Judah, the tribe of Praise will arise once more; the volume of her people and their sound will echo through the strong, fortified walls and bulwarks of the New Jerusalem, which Isaiah calls Mount Zion. My spirit leaps as I remember   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 25
by Lyn Hinton on November 12th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: Through the whole book of Isaiah, there is so much that needs to be understood from the picture language used. These short devotions are not the in-depth studies that are needed to seek out every last nuance of meaning, but are here to guide our thinking towards our God and Saviour. For that very reason, I just love the manner in which this chapter opens, as it is simple, straight forward and a lovely expression of worship. “Oh Lord, thou art my God: I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.” If we did nothing else but study this one verse, it would give us a great start to the day, as we too worship our King and focus our attention on Him.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 24
by Lyn Hinton on November 11th, 2020
- By Jacob Muthsam - Opening Thoughts: We are about a third of the way through Isaiah and some of you, like me, maybe struggling to grasp all of that is going on here; and to truly get a grip on all that is happening we may need much time reading commentaries of the whole book. (So, as for me, I have decided not to try and recreate commentaries, as you can read them for yourself with scholars much sharper than me, but I have decided to give you the thoughts God gives to me as I read.) Can I encourage you  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 23
by Lyn Hinton on November 10th, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - Opening Thoughts: Isaiah 23 is the last prophecy against individual nations. The prophecies against nations began with Babylon and end here with Tyre. At this time of Isaiah’s prophecy, Tyre was a world-class capital of commerce. Ships from Tyre went all over the then known world. The city was most successful and very rich. Tyre was the place to go to make your fortune. Here in Isaiah 23, God was warning Phoenicia to repent. They refused, and   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 22
by Lyn Hinton on November 9th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Personal Thoughts: This chapter speaks to me about the consequences of doing things in our own understanding. We read in this chapter how the Israelites destroyed their own city trying to prepare themselves for an upcoming battle. They tore down houses to reinforce the battlements and dug new reservoirs. Obviously, they thought they were responding appropriately and using what was available.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 21
by Lyn Hinton on November 8th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Personal Thoughts: Like many of Isaiah’s visions and prophecy’s, they contain very pointed and descriptive words detailing and describing the events to come. Chapter 21 sees Isaiah receive 3 separate prophecies or visions from God. The first was against Babylon, the second against Edom and the chapter concludes with the third prophecy which was against Arabia. These prophecies detail the events of what is to come concerning these three separate kingdoms and their inhabitants.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 20
by Lyn Hinton on November 5th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Initial Thoughts: While I am not familiar with all the names used in the short chapter, there is a specific use of nations that should ring true for us when we take the symbolic references into account. From the time when Israel was led out of captivity in Egypt, Israel has represented God’s people and Egypt has represented the world. Into this, there is also the use of Ethiopia, not the nation we see in the world today but a reference to a strong, muscular people descended from Ham, one of Noah’s sons. In the shadows of invasion by the king of Assyria, there is no hope in either strength or worldly glory.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 19
by Lyn Hinton on November 4th, 2020
- Leanne Rich - Opening Thoughts: God's blessing can be removed and restored. God's blessing on our lives is contingent on us following Him and staying faithful. Blessing is a bit like an umbrella. You are only protected if you stay underneath the umbrella.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 18
by Lyn Hinton on November 3rd, 2020
I, Jacob, would normally cringe at the idea of copying and pasting information to share, but with Isaiah 18, I find it extremely difficult to explain. It’s a short prophecy that I find hard to pen information on for us. I have read many peoples’ takes on it, and I find this short explanation below the best summary of the chapter and its historical context. I credit it entirely to the work of David Guzik.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 17
by Lyn Hinton on November 2nd, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Initial Thoughts: Isaiah lived in a tumultuous period and many of the names he used to describe the people and nations of his time are unfamiliar to us now. With some study, we can learn that the names of those people and nations still carry meaning and can give us insights into what God was saying to the Israelites in Isaiah’s time, as well as what He is saying to us today.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 16
by Lyn Hinton on November 1st, 2020
- By Keziah Muthsam - Introduction: Personal Thoughts Isaiah 16 is a chapter full of contrasting themes. It is a call to repent and a warning of destruction to those who refuse. It conveys strong emotions, including grief and lament contrasted with joy and the hope of a Saviour. This chapter paints the picture of God’s sovereignty, His judgment and wrath but also His plan for reconciliation. For me, this chapter re-affirms our need to come humbly before God and repent of our sins.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 15
by Lyn Hinton on October 29th, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - Opening Thoughts: Chapter 15 is a very difficult chapter to write about as a devotional. This chapter is a prophecy against Moab, how can that matter to us today? Point 1 If I take nothing more from this chapter, I find it amazing that in the middle of passing judgment on Moab, God inserts the phrase, "My heart shall cry out for Moab" (verse 5).   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 14
by Lyn Hinton on October 28th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Introduction: I wonder how many of us would feel if we were used of God to proclaim messages to our fellow Aussies about coming punishment, by a God in whom no one believes anymore? And then to proclaim punishment of those nations used by God to punish His people. Does anyone feel like taking on China?  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 13
by Lyn Hinton on October 27th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Personal Thoughts: This section of Isaiah’s prophecy details the message of God’s judgment against Israel’s neighbours. Babylon was the capital of the ancient Babylonian Empire. Its proud and accomplished history spanned from about 2,300 BC to 325 BC when it fell into insignificance after the collapse of Alexander the Great’s empire. We can see this decline as God’s judgement for Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem. There are 3 distinct parts of Chapter 13 and these are the 3 points that I would like us to explore and focus on today.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 12
by Lyn Hinton on October 26th, 2020
- By Anne Horsburgh - Personal Thoughts: This is a great reminder of what we have NOW! Unlike Judah - who were waiting for this promise; this glory to come. God may chastise His children but He never forsakes them.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 11
by Lyn Hinton on October 25th, 2020
- By Paul Rich - Opening Thoughts What do you see each morning when you look in the mirror? Are you horrified by the image? Does it make you wonder how you'll ever make it presentable enough to face the day? Or are you struck with a sense of awe? Not at who you are but by what God has done?  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 10
by Lyn Hinton on October 22nd, 2020
- By Jacob Muthsam - Personal Thoughts: It’s easy to read these chapters in Isaiah and be overwhelmed by the way they’re written and the words that can stick in your mind… “Woe”, “Judgement”, “ Anger”. I encourage you to read these chapters with the understanding that we have:- A Holy God, A Right God, A Loving God and A Just God. A God who loves people yet hates sin, loves humility and compassion, yet hates arrogance and pride.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 9
by Lyn Hinton on October 21st, 2020
- By John Horsburgh Introduction - Personal Thoughts Once again, there are several levels to this prophetic book. It held a local and immediate truth that was relevant to the listeners at the time of its writing. But of immense interest to us is the beautiful promise of the Saviour to be born and the wonderful endorsement of His life and work. And yet, we live in times when the last half of this chapter is so very relevant as we see the masses turn away from the love and protection of the Father. Judgement is coming – when, is anybody’s guess – but it is coming.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 8
by Lyn Hinton on October 20th, 2020
- By Jacob Muthsam - Personal Thoughts: I write this with a near sense of anxiety. This passage has about six sermons (within the 18,000 words) that I can see, yet our Day By Day studies have an aim of 500 words. Here’s the great part of doing Isaiah in our Day by Day studies. The 500 words give an entrée to the main food. You’re responsible for seeking God through the scripture for meaning and understanding.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 7
by Lyn Hinton on October 19th, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - Introduction: In Chapter 7, verses 1-2 describe the situation: "This took place during the reign of Ahaz, son of Jotham, son of Uzziah king of Judah: Rezin king of Aram, along with Pekah, son of Remaliah, king of Israel, waged war against Jerusalem, but he could not succeed. When it became known to the house of David that Aram had occupied Ephraim (Israel), the heart of Ahaz and the hearts of his people trembled like trees of a forest shaking in a wind."  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 6
by Lyn Hinton on October 18th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Introduction: What a picture Isaiah was privileged to see! A picture of Almighty God on His throne, and angels outside the Temple waiting to serve. He tries to describe the picture but is overcome with the realisation of his state/condition.  Read More






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