our heartbeat 

To amplify the gospel in a new sound....

Our Vision

This is how we Resonate:
.......to amplify the gospel in a new sound.

What’s that new sound?
 It’s the sound of all hands working It’s the sound of many feet on mission.
 It's moving the 80-20 principle to a 90/100% principle where everyone is working together on mission to see Jesus amplified in our world. The work isn’t left to a small few, its done by everyone.

Catch our 2021 Vision by clicking below.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to Gather, Grow and Go.

Our Mission is outworked in that we Gather together to Grow together in the knowledge and likeness of Jesus Christ; so that together we can Go and Gather others who in turn can Gather, Grow and Go and amplify the Gospel.

This is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. " (Matthew 28: 18-20)