
Looking to be baptised?

Jesus Christ was baptised (Matthew 3:13-15) and he commanded us to baptise others (Matthew 28:19-20).

At Resonate we baptise by immersion.

Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and have never been baptised, or you are a new Christian, we would be honoured to baptise you!

Water baptism is an important step in every believer’s journey. It is an outward declaration of your decision to follow Jesus.

The symbolism of baptism is a beautiful summary of the Christian life. As you go under the water, you identify yourself with the death of Jesus on the cross to take away your sins. As you emerge from the water, you identify yourself with Christ’s resurrection, and your rising to new life in Jesus.

At Resonate, we celebrate when people are baptised because we recognise the importance of a declaration to follow Jesus.