Day By Day - Isaiah 22
on November 9th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Personal Thoughts: This chapter speaks to me about the consequences of doing things in our own understanding. We read in this chapter how the Israelites destroyed their own city trying to prepare themselves for an upcoming battle. They tore down houses to reinforce the battlements and dug new reservoirs. Obviously, they thought they were responding appropriately and using what was available.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 21
on November 8th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Personal Thoughts: Like many of Isaiah’s visions and prophecy’s, they contain very pointed and descriptive words detailing and describing the events to come. Chapter 21 sees Isaiah receive 3 separate prophecies or visions from God. The first was against Babylon, the second against Edom and the chapter concludes with the third prophecy which was against Arabia. These prophecies detail the events of what is to come concerning these three separate kingdoms and their inhabitants.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 20
on November 5th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Initial Thoughts: While I am not familiar with all the names used in the short chapter, there is a specific use of nations that should ring true for us when we take the symbolic references into account. From the time when Israel was led out of captivity in Egypt, Israel has represented God’s people and Egypt has represented the world. Into this, there is also the use of Ethiopia, not the nation we see in the world today but a reference to a strong, muscular people descended from Ham, one of Noah’s sons. In the shadows of invasion by the king of Assyria, there is no hope in either strength or worldly glory.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 19
on November 4th, 2020
- Leanne Rich - Opening Thoughts: God's blessing can be removed and restored. God's blessing on our lives is contingent on us following Him and staying faithful. Blessing is a bit like an umbrella. You are only protected if you stay underneath the umbrella.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 18
on November 3rd, 2020
I, Jacob, would normally cringe at the idea of copying and pasting information to share, but with Isaiah 18, I find it extremely difficult to explain. It’s a short prophecy that I find hard to pen information on for us. I have read many peoples’ takes on it, and I find this short explanation below the best summary of the chapter and its historical context. I credit it entirely to the work of David Guzik.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 17
on November 2nd, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Initial Thoughts: Isaiah lived in a tumultuous period and many of the names he used to describe the people and nations of his time are unfamiliar to us now. With some study, we can learn that the names of those people and nations still carry meaning and can give us insights into what God was saying to the Israelites in Isaiah’s time, as well as what He is saying to us today.   Read More






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