Day By Day - Isaiah 28
on November 17th, 2020
- By Anne Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: I am no scholar! And when I come to writing a complete devotional on a chapter, I go into flight mode and panic. It takes so long to see something or, in some cases, to be able to choose from the many ideas. In saying this, today, as I write this devotion, I have come about it from an outside path. Today, I had to take Ivy, our cat, to the vet for her annual vaccination. No big deal - until I put her in her cage. I got really emotional and said to John, “the last time I did this was to evacuate and leave.” I had to leave my love, and known sanctuary: both of which were being invaded by fire, chaos and destruction and drive through smoke, flames and evil darkness to a refuge of safety and care, in James & Susanna’s home. (Thank you, again). Praise God, I am here to tell the story and still have my love and my sanctuary.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 27
on November 16th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Opening Thoughts: There are truths in Scripture that can never be shaken. They cannot be watered down. They are black and white, never shades of grey. In this chapter, we can see foretold the work of Jesus and the final end of God's enemies. Keys Points: 1. The Lord's Sword The sword of the Spirit is alluded to in verse 1, in the fight against and final defeat of Satan. Ephesians 6:17 tells us to 'take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.'  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 26
on November 15th, 2020
- By Catherine Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: Vs 1 - When God does the great things we have read about so far in Isaiah, a new song of praise will flow in the congregation of the saints. Point 1: A Tribe and City of Praise - Vs 1 Judah, the tribe of Praise will arise once more; the volume of her people and their sound will echo through the strong, fortified walls and bulwarks of the New Jerusalem, which Isaiah calls Mount Zion. My spirit leaps as I remember   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 25
on November 12th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: Through the whole book of Isaiah, there is so much that needs to be understood from the picture language used. These short devotions are not the in-depth studies that are needed to seek out every last nuance of meaning, but are here to guide our thinking towards our God and Saviour. For that very reason, I just love the manner in which this chapter opens, as it is simple, straight forward and a lovely expression of worship. “Oh Lord, thou art my God: I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.” If we did nothing else but study this one verse, it would give us a great start to the day, as we too worship our King and focus our attention on Him.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 24
on November 11th, 2020
- By Jacob Muthsam - Opening Thoughts: We are about a third of the way through Isaiah and some of you, like me, maybe struggling to grasp all of that is going on here; and to truly get a grip on all that is happening we may need much time reading commentaries of the whole book. (So, as for me, I have decided not to try and recreate commentaries, as you can read them for yourself with scholars much sharper than me, but I have decided to give you the thoughts God gives to me as I read.) Can I encourage you  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 23
on November 10th, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - Opening Thoughts: Isaiah 23 is the last prophecy against individual nations. The prophecies against nations began with Babylon and end here with Tyre. At this time of Isaiah’s prophecy, Tyre was a world-class capital of commerce. Ships from Tyre went all over the then known world. The city was most successful and very rich. Tyre was the place to go to make your fortune. Here in Isaiah 23, God was warning Phoenicia to repent. They refused, and   Read More






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