Day By Day - Isaiah 34
on November 25th, 2020
- By Catherine Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: Read the chapter a few times. You will need to for here in the chapter titled, “The Judgment of the Nations”, the Battle of Armageddon is foretold. Mathew Henry labels it, “a prophecy of the wars of the Lord.” Think of two movies, Armageddon and Wars of the World. Now roll them into one and then understand that the story here is fact, not fiction; the enemy here will not be defeated for He is the Lord of Divine Judgement and Vengeance, and the ending scene here is final destruction.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 33
on November 24th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: It would take far more than a short devotion to garner the full meaning of much of the language used in this chapter, in fact, in a lot of this book. For example, vs 9 uses “Lebanon”, “Sharon” and “Bashan” to convey meaning but these names do not hold the same meaning for us as it did for those in Isaiah’s time. These names are significant of pride, wealth (plenty) and strength; and their judgment sees ‘pride’ become ashamed, ‘plenty’ become a wilderness and ‘strength’ become feeble. This is looking to a day when those that stand against God and His people will face their judgment but it is also a chapter filled with praise and worship.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 32
on November 23rd, 2020
- By Keziah Muthsam - Opening Thoughts: Isaiah Chapter 32 is a prophetic declaration of the coming of the righteous King. It was thought to have been written in the time of King Ahaz and spoke of the impending Assyrian invasion of Judah. There are two thoughts as to whom the prophet is talking about; King Hezekiah and the Messiah, Jesus. King Hezekiah was a pre-runner or human picture of the coming Messiah. However, being human he was unable to fulfil the prophecy completely, a task that only the true righteous King, the Son of God could achieve.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 31
on November 22nd, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty Opening Thoughts: The last chapter that I wrote about, Chapter 23, was regarding God calling on the people of Tyre to repent and concerning the destruction of that nation for following its own achievements instead of following God. Here in Chapter 31, we have Israel looking to go its own way and team up with Egypt instead of repenting and following God. “Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help …”.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 30
on November 19th, 2020
- By Leanne Rich - Personal Thoughts: I want to look at the easily overlooked blessings in this chapter. There are four that I've identified. In verse 15 we read, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength,...'  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 29
on November 18th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Personal Thoughts: This chapter begins with yet another severe warning to us, “Woe to Ariel” or “Woe to Jerusalem”. This opening statement should make us stand up and listen to what Isaiah is saying. Contained within this chapter are three distinct areas: The Judgements on Jerusalem and on its enemies; the senselessness and hypocrisy of the Jews; and finally, we see the conversion of the Gentiles and future blessings for the Jews.   Read More






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