Day By Day - Isaiah 40
on December 3rd, 2020
- By Jacob Muthsam - Personal Thoughts: We have come to a junction and a turning point in the book of Isaiah. The previous 39 chapters carried a large focus on warnings and judgement (although, not without sections of hope and encouragement). But from here, in this chapter, there is a real shift. It now turns to be a prophetic message - that the future is filled with goodness and blessing and favour.   Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 39
on December 2nd, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - Opening Thoughts: “The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD.” Isaiah 39:6 Hezekiah had faithfully followed God and led the nation towards God all his life but as we saw in Chapter 38, he came down with a sickness and was told he would die. After turning his face to the wall in prayer to God, he was told he would live another fifteen years.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 38
on December 1st, 2020
By Leanne Rich Opening Thoughts: Such a moving chapter! I have a few thoughts about this chapter that may help us when we are suffering. Key Points: Learning from suffering and sickness 1.Hezekiah gave thanks for the time he was ill.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 37
on November 30th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - Opening Thoughts: This chapter sees Judah’s enemies trying to intimidate them with their prideful accusations, arrogance and by casting fear over the inhabitants of Judah. We also see Hezekiah’s example of what to do when we are overwhelmed - we are to stand strong on the Word of God when experiencing hard times. Finally, we see the results of God’s continued protection over His people. There is so much in this chapter, again I encourage you to explore it further.  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 36
on November 29th, 2020
- By John and Anne Horsburgh - Opening Thoughts: The Assyrian king came to attack and capture God’s people and sent one of his men to challenge Hezekiah and the Israelites. His challenge was, “Why waste your lives trusting in your God?” But he also spoke of the fallacy of trusting in Egypt. He was quite correct to say that Egypt would be of no value. How foolish to challenge God and equate Him with the idols of the surrounding peoples!  Read More
Day By Day - Isaiah 35
on November 26th, 2020
- By Paul Rich - Opening Thoughts: Take a moment to consider the condition of your spiritual heart. Are you looking at life through your natural eyes, or are you quietly confident in spite of what you are going through?  Read More






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