Day By Day - James 4
on June 10th, 2020
- By David Passmore - I am so grateful that Christianity is such a straight forward and practical way of life. I’ve always had trouble passing written exams but very few problems with the practical side of trades. Here again James gives us the easy to understand way of life that he has been giving since Chapter One.  Read More
Day By Day - James 3
on June 9th, 2020
- By David Passmore - James again continues with his practical teaching. I love his no beating around the bush in his teachings and in this chapter we see a lot of parallels to the teachings of the Master of Teachers. Verse six is a repeat of Matthew 12:36 and 15:11, while verse 12 parallels Matthew 7:16-20.   Read More
Day By Day - James 2
on June 8th, 2020
- By David Passmore - In this chapter, James continues to teach us how empty our lives can be when we look upon the less fortunate without feeling real concern for them. The Lord taught us early in our walk that what He gave to us was not only for us but to be shared with those who were not important or deserving in the eyes of society. Yes, it is hard to love those who will take advantage of us, but He calls on us to mimic Him, that is to “love unconditionally those who abuse us.”   Read More
Day By Day - James 1
on June 7th, 2020
- By David Passmore - Just a short introduction to the teachings in this book. It was written between 48 and 62 AD. James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. He was an unbeliever while Jesus was ministering. It is believed that the Lord’s resurrection led to his believing. James’ name first appears in Acts 1:14; and he was stoned to death about 64 AD.  Read More
Day By Day - Habukkuk 3
on May 27th, 2020
- By Anne Horsburgh - This chapter is one of my favourites.We have come from complaint to confidence.Habakkuk records the glory of God in past history and in the future. He has a faith that is invincible. No matter what God brings to pass. No matter what happens, Habakkuk trusts in God’s salvation. If all God’s gifts failed he would still possess the Giver.Habakkuk, through his dialogue with God has learnt more about h...  Read More
Day By Day Habakkuk 2
on May 27th, 2020
- By Anne Horsburgh - Chapter 2 begins with Habakkuk on the alert for God’s answer to his second problem; using a wicked nation to punish Judah. Habakkuk is braced for the worst.God answers Habakkuk and confirms He is aware of the wickedness of the Chaldeans. God knows their sins of greed & aggression, exploitation, extortion, violence, immorality and idolatry. (These are covered in verses 5-20 which includes the “5 Wo...  Read More






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