Day By Day - 1 Corinthians 5
on June 18th, 2020
- By Tom Mitchell - - This chapter covers two major issues, immorality that defiles the church and the judgement of that immorality. So, where do I start with this most challenging chapter of scripture without offending anyone or triggering any past hurts or circumstances that any individual may have been through?  Read More
Day By Day - 1 Corinthians 4
on June 17th, 2020
- By Darryl Flaherty - In this chapter, Paul continues the quest to re-establish his authority with the Corinthians as their apostle, and in doing so he opens up a bit about the things he has to suffer in order to serve Christ. I think that many Pastors or Christian leaders have complained about their hardships and may have complained a lot! In 1 Corinthians 4 we find insights about what apostles and other Christian workers have to suffer.   Read More
Day By Day - 1 Corinthians 3
on June 16th, 2020
- By John Horsburgh - As we begin to read through this first letter to the church in Corinth, we find Paul chastising the believers over a few issues and in this chapter it starts with him addressing the problem of division within the fellowship. This is followed by a brief discussion liking the apostles to builders as they teach the body the ways of Christian living.  Read More
Day By Day - 1 Corinthians 2
on June 16th, 2020
- By Michael Barton - Talking to the Corinthians must have been hard work for Paul. In may ways they were an out of control church with a lot of ‘worldly issues’ going on. Things such as quarrelling, jealousy, sexual immorality and yelling out in church. They were abusing the Lord’s Supper and a whole lot more. If you look up the definition of immorality, I’m sure you would find a reference to the church in Corinth. It wasn’t not an easy task to try to get them in line, but Paul had great tact.  Read More
Day By Day - 1 Corinthians 1
on June 14th, 2020
- By Paul Rich - Who were the Corinthians? It’s generally agreed that the church in Corinth was planted by Paul and was therefore young and, in many ways, immature. The city of Corinth could have been labelled Sin City as many of the issues in the city followed the people into the church. There was disunity, sexual immorality, debauchery, false teachings, spiritual immaturity and jealousy of other’s spiritual gifts. Yet, Paul’s salutation is to acknowledge the good he could see, their speech and their knowledge.  Read More
Day By Day - James 5
on June 11th, 2020
- By David Passmore - This is the final chapter of this manual. Throughout the Book of James, he has taught us to grow in Godliness, grow in our love for Him, grow in holiness and how to walk in faith. His instructions have been practical and straight down the line and easy to follow.   Read More






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