Day By Day - Isaiah 39
By Darryl Flaherty
Opening Thoughts:
“The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD.” Isaiah 39:6
Hezekiah had faithfully followed God and led the nation towards God all his life but as we saw in Chapter 38, he came down with a sickness and was told he would die. After turning his face to the wall in prayer to God, he was told he would live another fifteen years.
Key Points:
1. The king of Babylon had heard of Hezekiah’s sickness and recovery, and so he sent envoys to him with letters and a gift. When they showed up, Hezekiah showed them everything that he had in his entire kingdom. Right after showing all this stuff, Hezekiah was told that after he dies the kingdom would be taken from his descendants. Hezekiah was happy with that; he was pleased because the bad stuff was going to happen after he died, and things were going to be good for him until then.
At first glance, I looked at his parenting. How bad is it that he was told what would happen to his children and, yet he was happy because he would be fine. But next, I was asking why all his stuff would be taken away? And what did he do that was so wrong that would have everything taken away from his descendants?
2. As Hezekiah was showing off all the stuff that had been accumulated over the years, he did it without giving God the credit. It was pride that was showing off everything. The king of Babylon had sent a gift because of the illness and recovery. It had nothing to do with what had been accumulated or done before.
It was a great opportunity to tell the king of Babylon how he had recovered from the illness, how God had healed him. It was not the time to show off all the treasures.
There are times when God may do a healing or some other miracle in a person’s life. Often, instead of pointing people to what God has done, they continue with life and show off what they have done.
Final Thoughts:
When God does some healing or miracle in your life, take the time to show people what God did in that situation. Point people to who God is and His great mercy on you.
Do not be like the rest of the world and point them to what you have accomplished in life. The pride of the things you have accumulated may be a downfall and failure in the eyes of God.
You did not get all that you have because of your own power; it was blessed to you by God and His power.
Do not allow pride to bring your downfall at the end of your life.
Opening Thoughts:
“The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD.” Isaiah 39:6
Hezekiah had faithfully followed God and led the nation towards God all his life but as we saw in Chapter 38, he came down with a sickness and was told he would die. After turning his face to the wall in prayer to God, he was told he would live another fifteen years.
Key Points:
1. The king of Babylon had heard of Hezekiah’s sickness and recovery, and so he sent envoys to him with letters and a gift. When they showed up, Hezekiah showed them everything that he had in his entire kingdom. Right after showing all this stuff, Hezekiah was told that after he dies the kingdom would be taken from his descendants. Hezekiah was happy with that; he was pleased because the bad stuff was going to happen after he died, and things were going to be good for him until then.
At first glance, I looked at his parenting. How bad is it that he was told what would happen to his children and, yet he was happy because he would be fine. But next, I was asking why all his stuff would be taken away? And what did he do that was so wrong that would have everything taken away from his descendants?
2. As Hezekiah was showing off all the stuff that had been accumulated over the years, he did it without giving God the credit. It was pride that was showing off everything. The king of Babylon had sent a gift because of the illness and recovery. It had nothing to do with what had been accumulated or done before.
It was a great opportunity to tell the king of Babylon how he had recovered from the illness, how God had healed him. It was not the time to show off all the treasures.
There are times when God may do a healing or some other miracle in a person’s life. Often, instead of pointing people to what God has done, they continue with life and show off what they have done.
Final Thoughts:
When God does some healing or miracle in your life, take the time to show people what God did in that situation. Point people to who God is and His great mercy on you.
Do not be like the rest of the world and point them to what you have accomplished in life. The pride of the things you have accumulated may be a downfall and failure in the eyes of God.
You did not get all that you have because of your own power; it was blessed to you by God and His power.
Do not allow pride to bring your downfall at the end of your life.
Posted in Isaiah