Day By Day - Isaiah 32

By Keziah Muthsam

Opening Thoughts:
Isaiah Chapter 32 is a prophetic declaration of the coming of the righteous King. It was thought to have been written in the time of King Ahaz and spoke of the impending Assyrian invasion of Judah.
There are two thoughts as to whom the prophet is talking about; King Hezekiah and the Messiah, Jesus. King Hezekiah was a pre-runner or human picture of the coming Messiah. However, being human he was unable to fulfil the prophecy completely, a task that only the true righteous King, the Son of God could achieve.

Key Points:

1. A King Will Reign in Righteousness 
At the time this prophecy in Chapter 32 was made, there was prosperity and security amongst the Israelites. However, they had wrongly placed their trust in the Egyptian army and, therefore had a false sense of security. The prophecy talks of the people being complacent. The impending invasion of the Assyrians was far from the minds of the people and they were blissfully unaware of their need for a saviour.

How often do we go about our life, placing our trust in the wrong places before a time of testing reveals our need for a saviour?
God being all knowing and faithful knew the Israelites needed a righteous King to lead them through an assault on their very lives. A king who would remind them of their heritage, turning them back to the One true God.

Hezekiah was known for being a King who followed the Lord’s commandments and did right in the eyes of the Lord. He reinstated the Hebrew traditions and rebelled against the cult worship introduced to the Hebrew people from the Assyrians.

But could he fulfil the whole prophecy of Chapter 32?
Although Hezekiah was famously known as being a righteous King, he was only human and, as such he could only fulfil the prophecy in part.
Jesus on the other hand, came to fulfil the prophecy in all its fullness.

Jeremiah 23:5 NKJV  says of Jesus,  ' "Behold, [the] days are coming," says the LORD, "That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and prosper, And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. '

2. Clarity Comes When Righteousness Reigns
The prophecy goes on the describe what happens when the people receive spiritual clarity in the time of the righteous ruler’s reign.
The foolish will be shown for who they are, the eyes of the people will be opened and those who act in deception will be exposed. Those who act with noble character will stand and be known for their good deeds.

This is a picture of what happens at the point of conversion. Having been made a new creation, our eyes are opened to the deceptive ways of the evil one. Things we once viewed as 'good' and 'just' will be clearly exposed as evil.
Paul says in Ephesians 5:7-11,  "Therefore do not become partners with them;  for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light  (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true),  and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.  Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

Final Thoughts:
As God’s chosen people, we are under constant threat from the enemy. If we become complacent and place our trust in the wrong place we will be left disappointed when times of testing come. God has a rescue plan. When we place our trust in the righteous King, our eyes will be opened, the foolishness of this world will be revealed and we will find our refuge and strength in the shadow of his might.
Just as the Israelites did in the days of this prophecy, we also have a choice:
In whom do we place our trust?  
- The things of this world?
- Or the righteous King?
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