Day By Day - Isaiah 28
By Anne Horsburgh
Opening Thoughts:
I am no scholar! And when I come to writing a complete devotional on a chapter, I go into flight mode and panic. It takes so long to see something or, in some cases, to be able to choose from the many ideas. In saying this, today, as I write this devotion, I have come about it from an outside path.
Today, I had to take Ivy, our cat, to the vet for her annual vaccination. No big deal - until I put her in her cage. I got really emotional and said to John, “the last time I did this was to evacuate and leave.” I had to leave my love, and known sanctuary: both of which were being invaded by fire, chaos and destruction and drive through smoke, flames and evil darkness to a refuge of safety and care, in James & Susanna’s home. (Thank you, again). Praise God, I am here to tell the story and still have my love and my sanctuary.
Driving into town with the cat howling in her cage, I reflected on how I prayed to God with such grief. Why would I do that?
Because long ago - before most of you were born (not all...LOL) in 1974, I made a decision. And this decision would affect - and for that matter, affect the rest of my life.
Point 1:
Isaiah 28:16 tells us of a stone laid down in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation. Of course, we know this to be Jesus the Christ.
It is a well-known verse used in songs and even had churches named after it. Why, because without this cornerstone, the building of the Church would be useless.
Wikipedia even knows about cornerstones. They say: ”the cornerstone (or foundation stone or setting stone) is the first one set in the construction of a masonry foundation. All other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.” (
In knowing Jesus is our Cornerstone, helps make the concept of verse 10 more meaningful to me. The folk in this chapter may joke and scorn about what God has said but the words are still important.
Point 2:
Verse 10: 'For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little.’ (KJV)
A precept is a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.
Jesus, our Cornerstone, is the beginning of a foundation based on our faith and belief in Him. Just because I made a commitment to Jesus so long ago did not automatically ensure I knew everything there was about Jesus, God, heaven, discipleship etc. No way! Maybe others have more knowledge and awareness of biblical truths, behaviour etc. but I didn’t. Even Saul/Paul had to re-learn everything after his Damascus Road divine appointment.
As I travelled my path, I learned a little bit here at this fellowship group; and some more at that church. Books were helpful too. Reading my Bible was great, but Bible study groups were the most profitable learning place for me. Learning from others and reflecting on what you hear and read. Sharing what you think and believe verses say to you.
Although my foundation is Jesus, there are times when sections of my walls need replacing or repairing because I've tried to do something quickly as I didn’t want to wait or work it out with Jesus.
Point 3: Obedience is Life.
Why would the chapter be titled, “Woe to Ephraim” (the backsliders)? Why did God send prophets and believers to warn and encourage folk to turn back to God’s ways? Verse 23 says, “Listen and hear my voice: pay attention and what I say”. In all my years, as a Christian, it wasn’t until the second half that I really learnt to 'listen – hear – pay attention'.
This may sound negative but it is not meant to be a downer. If there is one thing I have learnt, probably too late, in life, it is - disobedience means pain – emotional, physical, spiritual, separation from God. Only forgiveness will stop the pain and unfortunately, the consequences may not disappear. Read Deuteronomy 30: 11-19 and choose obedience and life!!!
Final Thoughts:
If it was not for my foundation in Christ Jesus, where would I be today? I know it would not have been a good place or a good time, going by my early years. I have found resilience in living with my Saviour. There are tough times but He never changes and never leaves me alone! We have been created in the image of God and it shows up in most amazing ways. I may be slow in learning, and obeying, but Jesus is patient with me.
Okay time to sing...
“Oh God, You are my God and I will every praise You. (repeat)
I will seek You in the morning - I will learn to walk in Your ways
And Step by Step You’ll lead me and I will follow You all of my days."
(David Strasser (c) 1991BMG Songs)
Opening Thoughts:
I am no scholar! And when I come to writing a complete devotional on a chapter, I go into flight mode and panic. It takes so long to see something or, in some cases, to be able to choose from the many ideas. In saying this, today, as I write this devotion, I have come about it from an outside path.
Today, I had to take Ivy, our cat, to the vet for her annual vaccination. No big deal - until I put her in her cage. I got really emotional and said to John, “the last time I did this was to evacuate and leave.” I had to leave my love, and known sanctuary: both of which were being invaded by fire, chaos and destruction and drive through smoke, flames and evil darkness to a refuge of safety and care, in James & Susanna’s home. (Thank you, again). Praise God, I am here to tell the story and still have my love and my sanctuary.
Driving into town with the cat howling in her cage, I reflected on how I prayed to God with such grief. Why would I do that?
Because long ago - before most of you were born (not all...LOL) in 1974, I made a decision. And this decision would affect - and for that matter, affect the rest of my life.
Point 1:
Isaiah 28:16 tells us of a stone laid down in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation. Of course, we know this to be Jesus the Christ.
It is a well-known verse used in songs and even had churches named after it. Why, because without this cornerstone, the building of the Church would be useless.
Wikipedia even knows about cornerstones. They say: ”the cornerstone (or foundation stone or setting stone) is the first one set in the construction of a masonry foundation. All other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.” (
In knowing Jesus is our Cornerstone, helps make the concept of verse 10 more meaningful to me. The folk in this chapter may joke and scorn about what God has said but the words are still important.
Point 2:
Verse 10: 'For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little.’ (KJV)
A precept is a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.
Jesus, our Cornerstone, is the beginning of a foundation based on our faith and belief in Him. Just because I made a commitment to Jesus so long ago did not automatically ensure I knew everything there was about Jesus, God, heaven, discipleship etc. No way! Maybe others have more knowledge and awareness of biblical truths, behaviour etc. but I didn’t. Even Saul/Paul had to re-learn everything after his Damascus Road divine appointment.
As I travelled my path, I learned a little bit here at this fellowship group; and some more at that church. Books were helpful too. Reading my Bible was great, but Bible study groups were the most profitable learning place for me. Learning from others and reflecting on what you hear and read. Sharing what you think and believe verses say to you.
Although my foundation is Jesus, there are times when sections of my walls need replacing or repairing because I've tried to do something quickly as I didn’t want to wait or work it out with Jesus.
Point 3: Obedience is Life.
Why would the chapter be titled, “Woe to Ephraim” (the backsliders)? Why did God send prophets and believers to warn and encourage folk to turn back to God’s ways? Verse 23 says, “Listen and hear my voice: pay attention and what I say”. In all my years, as a Christian, it wasn’t until the second half that I really learnt to 'listen – hear – pay attention'.
This may sound negative but it is not meant to be a downer. If there is one thing I have learnt, probably too late, in life, it is - disobedience means pain – emotional, physical, spiritual, separation from God. Only forgiveness will stop the pain and unfortunately, the consequences may not disappear. Read Deuteronomy 30: 11-19 and choose obedience and life!!!
Final Thoughts:
If it was not for my foundation in Christ Jesus, where would I be today? I know it would not have been a good place or a good time, going by my early years. I have found resilience in living with my Saviour. There are tough times but He never changes and never leaves me alone! We have been created in the image of God and it shows up in most amazing ways. I may be slow in learning, and obeying, but Jesus is patient with me.
Okay time to sing...
“Oh God, You are my God and I will every praise You. (repeat)
I will seek You in the morning - I will learn to walk in Your ways
And Step by Step You’ll lead me and I will follow You all of my days."
(David Strasser (c) 1991BMG Songs)
Posted in Isaiah