Day By Day - Isaiah 26
By Catherine Mitchell
Opening Thoughts:
Vs 1 - When God does the great things we have read about so far in Isaiah, a new song of praise will flow in the congregation of the saints.
Point 1: A Tribe and City of Praise - Vs 1
Judah, the tribe of Praise will arise once more; the volume of her people and their sound will echo through the strong, fortified walls and bulwarks of the New Jerusalem, which Isaiah calls Mount Zion. My spirit leaps as I remember that the church, though small and despised now, is soon to become a rejoicing city overflowing with praise in our Saviour’s Glory.
Revelation 21:10 ‘And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.’
Point 2: A Dominion of Praise - Vs 13
The word 'dominion' here means to be mastered by one we are married to. Before the grace of Christ went to work in us, Satan and his works had dominion over us. We were in effect married to him as we served his lusts and let our sinful ways master us. Now we, who are regenerated through the virtues of Christ’s blood, are dominated by and married to Christ. We Praise Him now and forever for His tender dominion over us.
Matthew 6:13 - 'For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Amen'
Point 3: Peaceful Praise - Vs 12
The zeal of the Lord of Hosts alone has gifted us inwardly and eternally with spiritual peace. During the fulfilment of the prophecy in vs 12, by Christ’s great mercy, we will be delivered from all angst. Not only will our hearts overflow with songs of peace but nature will as well. Wow! I wonder what that kind of peace might feel like? Imagine stillness of soul, eternal rest and peace on earth. Eternal peaceful praise will respond spontaneously from all of creation as it is filled with God’s deep prosperity and goodwill to all men.
Colossians 1:20 - 'and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.'
Final Thoughts:
Vs 9 - Let us determine to seek the Lord night and day; to intensify our earnest hunger for Him and to eagerly wait for His presence. For no matter what may come upon the earth we will find our protection and solace in Him.
Opening Thoughts:
Vs 1 - When God does the great things we have read about so far in Isaiah, a new song of praise will flow in the congregation of the saints.
Point 1: A Tribe and City of Praise - Vs 1
Judah, the tribe of Praise will arise once more; the volume of her people and their sound will echo through the strong, fortified walls and bulwarks of the New Jerusalem, which Isaiah calls Mount Zion. My spirit leaps as I remember that the church, though small and despised now, is soon to become a rejoicing city overflowing with praise in our Saviour’s Glory.
Revelation 21:10 ‘And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.’
Point 2: A Dominion of Praise - Vs 13
The word 'dominion' here means to be mastered by one we are married to. Before the grace of Christ went to work in us, Satan and his works had dominion over us. We were in effect married to him as we served his lusts and let our sinful ways master us. Now we, who are regenerated through the virtues of Christ’s blood, are dominated by and married to Christ. We Praise Him now and forever for His tender dominion over us.
Matthew 6:13 - 'For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Amen'
Point 3: Peaceful Praise - Vs 12
The zeal of the Lord of Hosts alone has gifted us inwardly and eternally with spiritual peace. During the fulfilment of the prophecy in vs 12, by Christ’s great mercy, we will be delivered from all angst. Not only will our hearts overflow with songs of peace but nature will as well. Wow! I wonder what that kind of peace might feel like? Imagine stillness of soul, eternal rest and peace on earth. Eternal peaceful praise will respond spontaneously from all of creation as it is filled with God’s deep prosperity and goodwill to all men.
Colossians 1:20 - 'and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.'
Final Thoughts:
Vs 9 - Let us determine to seek the Lord night and day; to intensify our earnest hunger for Him and to eagerly wait for His presence. For no matter what may come upon the earth we will find our protection and solace in Him.
Posted in Isaiah