Day By Day - Isaiah 22

By Leanne Rich

Personal Thoughts:
This chapter speaks to me about the consequences of doing things in our own understanding.
We read in this chapter how the Israelites destroyed their own city trying to prepare themselves for an upcoming battle. They tore down houses to reinforce the battlements and dug new reservoirs. Obviously, they thought they were responding appropriately and using what was available.

Point 1
The problem was that they never even thought to ask God, who had planned and blessed this city, the city of David. Even as they prepared as best they could it was still with little hope: 'Let's eat and drink and enjoy our last night on earth.' They expected to be annihilated in the approaching battle.
How often do we run our lives like this? We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. It matters what we do. We can destroy this temple by what we allow ourselves to view. For example, pornographic or occultic material. We can destroy this temple by where we go. Do we continually hang out with people who are against God? It's possible that their influence will weaken our resolve to follow the Lord faithfully.

Point 2
There were consequences for the actions they took and possibly for us too if we behave in the same sort of way.
a. It grieved God. - It is an eye-opener to me to see the emotion God expressed over the city He loved. In verse 4 we see God weeping inconsolably.
b. It made God angry - In verse 14 God said this sin cannot be atoned for.
c. We will be held accountable by God for our actions. - Verse 16 begins: 'What are you doing here and who gave you permission...?' We belong to God if we claim to be a Christian.

Point 3
There are answers to make sure we don't go off track.
a. We have the Holy Spirit, the very spirit of Jesus, to help us make the right decisions and walk according to God's will for our lives. The Spirit has enlivened our consciences. As long as we are obedient to the pricks of our conscience, we can be confident that we are staying close to God.
b. He has given us Godly leaders to help us along the way. Verses 21 and 22: 'He will be a father to those who live in Jerusalem and to the people of Judah. I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.' Sounds reminiscent of what Jesus prophesied over Peter, doesn't it? Peter became the first pastor of the first Pentecostal church! (Matt 16:19)
God gave us pastors to help us, teach us and prepare us for ministry. Ep 4:11

Final Thoughts:
In summary, if we do life without reference to God we will end up sitting in a ruin. God created us to be beautiful reflections of His love in this world and gave us helpers to do this.
Let's not sit around with a defeatist attitude.

Lastly, an old Sunday School song comes to mind: 'Be care little eyes what you see...' The following verses are, 'Be careful little ears what you hear...', 'Be careful little hands what you do...', 'Be careful little feet where you go...', 'Be careful little mouth what you say...'.

If we follow the principles of this simple song, as if we are still children, we will not go wrong.
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