Day By Day - Isaiah 14

By Leanne Rich

I wonder how many of us would feel if we were used of God to proclaim messages to our fellow Aussies about coming punishment, by a God in whom no one believes anymore? And then to proclaim punishment of those nations used by God to punish His people. Does anyone feel like taking on China?

Themes In This Chapter:

Point 1
In previous chapters, we have seen how Isaiah prophesied the coming punishment of the Israelites because of their unfaithfulness and disobedience to God.

In this chapter, we see God foretelling, through Isaiah, the repentance and freedom of His chosen people, their return to the promised land and how the tables would turn against those who enslaved them (Is14:1-2).

Point 2
Have ever seen the movie, The Matrix, where people became aware there were two worlds, not just the one you could see? The movie depicts how some people became aware that there were evil powerful creatures who were deceiving people into believing this world is all there is, while all the time they were systematically destroying the human race.
When an individual escaped from the matrix, the creatures no longer hid from the human but utilised all their powers to destroy the escapees. The escapees banded together and quickly learned how to use superior power to defeat the evil ones. A classic fight between good and evil.

In this chapter, you can see two worlds clashing in the time of the Babylonians. The Babylonians were used by Satan and his armies to capture and enslave God's chosen people. God used this situation to punish his people for their disobedience and unfaithfulness, and their hearts turned back to God.

Then God punished the Babylonians in turn, for hurting His chosen people (Is 14:3-11). God also didn't spare the Philistines who raided and pillaged Israelite settlements (Is 14:29-32).

Point 3:
You can see in this famous passage the fall of Satan and his followers and the promise of punishment to come for them and any human who also follows Satan's way.

Satan, formerly an angel, became proud and wanted to be God. This is how Satan tempted Eve to sin: 'You will be like God...' (Gen 3:5). God cast him and his followers out of heaven but Satan is God's avowed enemy and also the enemy of God's crown of creation, the human race. (Ez 28:17, Luke 10:28) (For more information on this topic, check out this link:

God loves us and wants to be loved by us. Anything that we purposefully pursue instead of Him is idolatry and will cause God to be displeased with us and we will remove ourselves from God's loving provision and protection.

When we are faced with the unpleasant consequences of our rebellion and disobedience God hopes our hearts will turn back to Him, as He waits to welcome back repentant children to their original inheritance.

God also will punish those who torment or mistreat God's children. He promises He will also ultimately punish Satan and his followers, who are the power behind the evil we see in this world today.
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