Day By Day - Isaiah 11

By Paul Rich

Opening Thoughts
What do you see each morning when you look in the mirror? Are you horrified by the image? Does it make you wonder how you'll ever make it presentable enough to face the day? Or are you struck with a sense of awe? Not at who you are but by what God has done?

1. A Humble Beginning
Isaiah refers to Jesse, the father of King David. Jesse was not a noble leader. Not of any royal line. Just a farmer. Instead of using the kingship of David, Isaiah uses the image of a tree stump. A very lowly piece of material left to die and rot away in the ground. Lifeless. Hopeless. Worthless. But then some trees don't give up. Even though a stump once had a strong trunk covered in green branches, giving shelter to birds, fruit for the picking and able to convert used air into fresh air, some stumps sprout and fight back for survival.

2. A Notable Beginning
So history would remember Jesse, a humble farmer, as the foundation of great things to come. “The Spirit of the Lord”, is a prelude to Isaiah 61.1 which was quoted by Jesus in the temple of his home town, Nazareth. Jesus also said in Luke 4:21, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.” Great things were happening. People were being healed and set free. God was moving through this man, Jesus. Yet some couldn’t see it and referred to him as the carpenter’s son.

3. From Generation to Generation
As I read through Isaiah 11, I can see a progression from one point in time to another; from Jesse to Jesus to today. Romans 8:11 makes the point that we have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. That same Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might,  knowledge and reverence, as spoken of in Isaiah 11. The result is that natural enemies will lie down together and be at peace, as creation intended.

In Conclusion
What God has done through Jesse is an example of what He can do with each of us. We are adopted by the Almighty and He delights in blessing us. I look in the mirror each morning and acknowledge the grace poured out on me by Jesus the Christ. Not for what I can do but for who He is!

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