Day By Day - Isaiah 5
By Tom Mitchell
Personal Thoughts:
This chapter is full of symbolism as to how we should live our lives with God as our head, and the consequences for us if we allow the influences of a fallen world to infiltrate our lives. I found the chapter to be both a chapter of comfort if we follow God’s plan for our lives, and a warning if we ignore His direction and go against His Word. The chapter draws out many individual points, such as the prophetic state of the nation of Israel, the prophetic state of the Jewish people and the prophetic outcome of when we allow ungodly influences to infiltrate a Godly society.
Point 1
Verses 1 and 2 describe how much time and effort that the vineyard owner has put into preparing and maintaining this very fertile piece of land; right down to the detail of the type of vines (choicest) that He planted, and the meticulous effort of clearing the land to give the vines the best opportunity for them to grow and flourish. You and I are the vines and God’s perfection planted here on earth. We are His good works. He has planted us and has put all His goodness into us. He has surrounded us with a great hedge of protection. I love the fact that God built a tower in the middle of the vineyard to remind us of His never-ending protection over us and that He is able to observe us from a great distance.
Point 2
God’s disappointment and removal of His protection. Verse 2a says:
“So He expected it to bring forth good grapes, But it brought forth wild grapes”.
After all that God had done, pouring out His goodness into the vineyard and rightfully so, He expected a bountiful harvest, unfortunately, this was not to eventuate. In fact, the very opposite happened.
Wild grapes symbolise worldliness. As Christians, we must be careful about how we grow, as well. God has planted the seed of the Word of God within us. We must grow toward Him and not go back into the worldliness. The way to have beautiful fruit is to feed the vine the pure Word of God, regularly.
As Christians, we must not be drawn back into the world by getting fed the impure teachings. Read your Bible for yourself and feed upon God's Word. Then and only then will you produce fruit fit for God.
Point 3
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to the warnings of the impending judgement for the disobedience shown to God by the Israelites. The phrase or statement that is used by Isaiah is “Woe to those”. This phrase is used six times, and each time it details the consequences of the Israelites’ actions towards worldliness and going against God’s Word. The chapter concludes with the devastating consequences of their total disobedience towards God.
Final Thoughts:
God has sown into us His goodness, grace and mercy. He wants us to be successful in Him. This chapter is a clear warning of what not to do and the consequences that will happen if we were to stray from the narrow way. Allow the contents of Chapter 5 to be a reminder to us all. We are responsible to ensure that we only expose ourselves to the things that enable us to grow in and for God and not allow the influences of the world to infiltrate our lives.
Personal Thoughts:
This chapter is full of symbolism as to how we should live our lives with God as our head, and the consequences for us if we allow the influences of a fallen world to infiltrate our lives. I found the chapter to be both a chapter of comfort if we follow God’s plan for our lives, and a warning if we ignore His direction and go against His Word. The chapter draws out many individual points, such as the prophetic state of the nation of Israel, the prophetic state of the Jewish people and the prophetic outcome of when we allow ungodly influences to infiltrate a Godly society.
Point 1
Verses 1 and 2 describe how much time and effort that the vineyard owner has put into preparing and maintaining this very fertile piece of land; right down to the detail of the type of vines (choicest) that He planted, and the meticulous effort of clearing the land to give the vines the best opportunity for them to grow and flourish. You and I are the vines and God’s perfection planted here on earth. We are His good works. He has planted us and has put all His goodness into us. He has surrounded us with a great hedge of protection. I love the fact that God built a tower in the middle of the vineyard to remind us of His never-ending protection over us and that He is able to observe us from a great distance.
Point 2
God’s disappointment and removal of His protection. Verse 2a says:
“So He expected it to bring forth good grapes, But it brought forth wild grapes”.
After all that God had done, pouring out His goodness into the vineyard and rightfully so, He expected a bountiful harvest, unfortunately, this was not to eventuate. In fact, the very opposite happened.
Wild grapes symbolise worldliness. As Christians, we must be careful about how we grow, as well. God has planted the seed of the Word of God within us. We must grow toward Him and not go back into the worldliness. The way to have beautiful fruit is to feed the vine the pure Word of God, regularly.
As Christians, we must not be drawn back into the world by getting fed the impure teachings. Read your Bible for yourself and feed upon God's Word. Then and only then will you produce fruit fit for God.
Point 3
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to the warnings of the impending judgement for the disobedience shown to God by the Israelites. The phrase or statement that is used by Isaiah is “Woe to those”. This phrase is used six times, and each time it details the consequences of the Israelites’ actions towards worldliness and going against God’s Word. The chapter concludes with the devastating consequences of their total disobedience towards God.
Final Thoughts:
God has sown into us His goodness, grace and mercy. He wants us to be successful in Him. This chapter is a clear warning of what not to do and the consequences that will happen if we were to stray from the narrow way. Allow the contents of Chapter 5 to be a reminder to us all. We are responsible to ensure that we only expose ourselves to the things that enable us to grow in and for God and not allow the influences of the world to infiltrate our lives.
Posted in Isaiah