Day By Day - Isaiah 3

By Paul Rich

Opening Considerations
God's unmerciful judgement is a fearful thing. In Isaiah Chapter Three, we read about the calamity that is about to fall on Judah and Jerusalem. This prophetic word paints a very clear picture. Only fools would ignore such a warning.

1. To the Leaders
Throughout history, we find leaders holding on to their position with great pride. Power is a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. It's obvious that God had had enough of their corrupt ways. "The Lord God of Armies" (CSB) was about to remove the safe and secure environment that Judah and Jerusalem had known for many years. Food and water would dry up, leading to unrest among the people. Leaders would be replaced by unruly youngsters, and the government would become unstable. The people had turned against each other and sin was being openly flaunted.
A terrifying place to be for the unrighteous.
But things will go well for the righteous.

2. To the Women
Haughty women were about to pay a devastating price. Proverbs 21:4 labels haughtiness and arrogance as sin. Their clothes, their jewellery, their fancy hairstyles, their seductive looks, was all about to turn against them. A stench, a rope, baldness, sackcloth and a shameful branding would be their outcome.
A beautiful nation. God's chosen people. A powerful army. All brought down with nothing left but sorrow and regret.

3. The Here and Now
This prophetic message was for a generation in 8th Century Before Christ. The New Testament says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17 CSB). So here we are in a season where society is rapidly changing and turning against God. I look at what modern-day law demands and find some points that are impossible to reconcile with God's law. I listen to some of the worldly wisdom that is being taught to our children and I can't help but shake my head in shame. Where has the righteous wisdom gone?

Our God is a faithful God who is also full of mercy and grace. He is calling us to be "the salt of the earth" and "a lamp on the hilltop."
Isaiah 3:10 states, “Tell the righteous that it will go well for them, for they will eat the fruit of their labour.”

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