Day By Day - Isaiah 2

By Catherine Mitchell

Opening Thoughts: 
As I step back a little and look into the Book of Isaiah, I see in this 2nd chapter what strikes me as the forecasting of three extraordinary latter days. They are: 1 - The last days; 2 - The Day; and 3 - That day.  Let’s look at them.  

1: The Last Days.   Vs 2
There is a mountain greater than Moriah and a building greater than the temple which was built on her.   The Mountain which peaks all other mountains is named High and Lofty. This mountain is the Son of God.  No elevation is greater than He or any Name above Him.   Upon His elevation He has established a house to dwell in; one church, built with true believers.  Like living stones they are mortared together in one faith, calling and baptism.   He is Lord over His House and Grand Master of it.  The Light of His presence fills it and from her, He fills the whole earth with His Glory, for it is through her that His Goodness is published and spread.  

In the last days or seasons of grace, the church will be renewed with a hot, miraculous and contagious witness.  Her exaltation of God will be vibrant and alive attracting tribes from all nations who will freely flow into her and willingly be converted. She will teach God's ways, they will walk in His paths and join themselves to Her.  

2: The Day.  Vs 12 
Fixed in time is a day which Isaiah names, The Day. It is the predestined Day of humanities humbling, for every living soul on that day will choose to bow to the Lord of Hosts, or not to.  On The Day of Humbling, every boastful soul will respond in one of only two ways.

One lot, let’s call them the humble sheep, will admit that they are nothing outside of Christ, repent for their pride and willingly bow their knee to His Lordship. These are the grace receivers of The Day, for God always gives grace to the humble.  Henceforth, they will be known as friends of God.

The other lot, let’s call them the haughty goats, will arrogantly refuse to repent for their pride and deny the Lordship of Christ.  Terribly, their refusal of Him will mark them as His eternal enemies, provoke His wrath and unleash His vengeance, for God fiercely resists the proud and forcibly humbles them.

3: That Day. Vs 20
Antichrist will arise. Antichrist will fall. In That Day of his destruction, as the earth witnesses the ultimate authority of Jesus Christ, a great upheaval will occur, shaking and rocking every idolatrous soul into the shame of their ignorance. As moles are found in holes and bats in darkness so shall earth’s idols be found, cast out and abandoned as mankind is confronted by the futility and hopelessness of the images he has made and served.  It pays us all well to remember to be soberly vigilant for everyone, everywhere, is commanded to worship God above every other thing, every time.

These three days are our days. This is our season and these are seasons soon to come. We are about to become cities on hilltops for all to see as we spread the word of God.

As you read this chapter check how you are placed spiritually.  If the 3 days came upon you now would you be ready?
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