Day By Day - Isaiah 1
By John Horsburgh
Introduction - Personal Thoughts
As I open the book of Isaiah, I am acutely aware that this is a book of judgement, a book of threats and a book filled with love. It seems incomprehensible that these components can exist in the same writings but it is true. God is not blind and He sees the corruption and the rebellion of Israel and, as the final Judge, He announces their shortcomings, highlights the punishment of their rebellion but also calls Israel to repentance with the promise of his eternal love and care. Portions of Isaiah carry some of the most beautiful promises in the Old Testament and many of the precious promises of the Messiah to come. Even here in chapter 1, we see a small glimpse of what is to come as we begin our journey through Isaiah...
Key Points
1) Vs 2 sums up the charges laid against God’s chosen race. “Listen heavens and give ear Oh earth, I have nourished and reared children but they have rebelled against me...”
There is a price to pay for rebellion. The New Testament is quite clear when it states that the “wages of sin is death”. There is a constant theme which runs through much of scripture which likens the relationship between God and man as a shepherd with His sheep to those that belong to God know His voice. Fortunately, the wages of sin have been dealt with by a loving Father so we have every reason to listen to his voice and to be obedient to Him. Remember the words of Christ... “Those who love me will obey me” .
2) Vs16 “wash and be clean, put away evil. Let us reason together and though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow”.
God the Father has already sent the Son to redeem us. As we face hard times, maybe even times of tribulation, we need to hold fast to the promise of God in order that we can be steadfast in our trust in Him. In the letters to the seven churches, the promise in each case is for he/she who endures...
3) Vs 27 “Zion shall be redeemed with Judgement and her converts with righteousness”,
“The judgements of the Lord are pure and righteous altogether”... Judge yourself and when you do repent of those things where you find error for in so doing you will find redemption. But always remember what the New Testament says... “I am the righteousness of God in Christ, a brand new creation in Him”.
Conclusion - Final Thoughts
As we read through a prophetic book like Isaiah there are going to be areas that we struggle to understand, but as we take this walk let’s be prepared to shine the Light of Christ onto these words so that we can better understand the full meaning for us today.
We can pretend that this book is not relevant to us or we can embrace the truth that we now stand as Spiritual Israel and heed the warnings and reap the rewards of coming to God with repentant hearts. The Christ has come and fulfilled the promises held in this book and we are the ones who benefit from His Love.
Introduction - Personal Thoughts
As I open the book of Isaiah, I am acutely aware that this is a book of judgement, a book of threats and a book filled with love. It seems incomprehensible that these components can exist in the same writings but it is true. God is not blind and He sees the corruption and the rebellion of Israel and, as the final Judge, He announces their shortcomings, highlights the punishment of their rebellion but also calls Israel to repentance with the promise of his eternal love and care. Portions of Isaiah carry some of the most beautiful promises in the Old Testament and many of the precious promises of the Messiah to come. Even here in chapter 1, we see a small glimpse of what is to come as we begin our journey through Isaiah...
Key Points
1) Vs 2 sums up the charges laid against God’s chosen race. “Listen heavens and give ear Oh earth, I have nourished and reared children but they have rebelled against me...”
There is a price to pay for rebellion. The New Testament is quite clear when it states that the “wages of sin is death”. There is a constant theme which runs through much of scripture which likens the relationship between God and man as a shepherd with His sheep to those that belong to God know His voice. Fortunately, the wages of sin have been dealt with by a loving Father so we have every reason to listen to his voice and to be obedient to Him. Remember the words of Christ... “Those who love me will obey me” .
2) Vs16 “wash and be clean, put away evil. Let us reason together and though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow”.
God the Father has already sent the Son to redeem us. As we face hard times, maybe even times of tribulation, we need to hold fast to the promise of God in order that we can be steadfast in our trust in Him. In the letters to the seven churches, the promise in each case is for he/she who endures...
3) Vs 27 “Zion shall be redeemed with Judgement and her converts with righteousness”,
“The judgements of the Lord are pure and righteous altogether”... Judge yourself and when you do repent of those things where you find error for in so doing you will find redemption. But always remember what the New Testament says... “I am the righteousness of God in Christ, a brand new creation in Him”.
Conclusion - Final Thoughts
As we read through a prophetic book like Isaiah there are going to be areas that we struggle to understand, but as we take this walk let’s be prepared to shine the Light of Christ onto these words so that we can better understand the full meaning for us today.
We can pretend that this book is not relevant to us or we can embrace the truth that we now stand as Spiritual Israel and heed the warnings and reap the rewards of coming to God with repentant hearts. The Christ has come and fulfilled the promises held in this book and we are the ones who benefit from His Love.
Posted in Isaiah