Day By Day - 2 Corinthians 10

By David Passmore

Opening Thoughts:
In my Bible, verses 1-6 introduce spiritual warfare, a favourite subject of mine. A subject that is not possible to cover in one short devotion.

There are many who do not believe or acknowledge spiritual warfare. However, if you are being a blessing by spreading the good news of the Gospel, or genuinely shepherding the flock that the Lord has given you, then you will quickly learn you have an enemy in Satan who is determined to destroy your ministry.

Point 1:
Paul, in verses 1-2, continues to confront the challenge to his apostleship and authority. We see that he does not hesitate to rebuke the motives of those undermining his authority and ministry in their effort to possibly take over his successful ministry. They felt, because of Paul’s gentleness when in their presence, that his claim to the apostleship of the Corinthian church could not be possible and that they could do better.

Then Paul, in verses 3-6, introduces the warfare going on as Satan encourages rebellion in the church. Our warfare is not as those that have fought with worldly weapons. Paul states that he like us, at times, “walks” in the flesh, but he qualifies that with, “we do not war according to the flesh.”

No, we do not fight this war with conventional weapons, nor chemical or biological weapons, but with the mighty name and power of Jesus and the mighty sword of the Spirit.

Many years ago I had a dream. I dreamed that Satan had my arms pinned to my side and had closed off my nostrils and mouth with his other hand. I could not breathe and I could not call on Jesus’ name. I could feel myself dying. In desperation, I stamped on his foot and this caused him to loosen his hand over my mouth. I called on the name of “JESUS.” Satan immediately released me and I began to punch him and he laughed at me which made me madder and I threw harder and more punches at him. We were just near a coffee table where my Bible was, so I grabbed hold of it and whacked Satan with it and he immediately disappeared.

This of course confirmed to me reminded me of 1 Peter 5:8. Satan was searching for a way to destroy me, but praise the name of Jesus, I knew enough to call upon the Name above all names.

Point 2:
Spiritual Warfare-
Here are just a few scriptures we can use:
  • Mt.4:5-11 Quote the scriptures
  • 2 Ki.6:8-17  The invisible realm and victorious warfare
  • Ezekiel 22:30 Intercession in spiritual warfare
  • Acts 4:31 Faith’s victory through prayer
  • Lu. 10:17-20 Using our authority
  • Mk. 16:15-18 Quoting scripture and using our authority
  • Eph. 6:10-18 The armour of God. 

There are many more in both the Old and the New Testament that we can use.      

Now each night I sing in my melodious voice, songs such as “Up from the grave He arose; In the name of Jesus; Alive, Alive, Alive Forevermore, and songs about the Lord’s blood and so on. Satan hates to hear the Lord’s people singing songs of praise and worship to Him. I then go into battle for our family, the church family and our nation.

As I have said I could go on for pages on this subject. We were once told by a Pastor, I won’t mention his denomination, who believed that we had no authority or permission to rebuke or fight Satan in any way. I feel so sorry for them because through ignorance have been left as fair game for the roaring lion.

Point 3:
Referring back to 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, Paul covers idolatry warning us to stay well away from idol worship. In Thailand, virtually every home has a “spirit house” (about 1-metre square) in which food or other offerings are left to appease the evil spirits, and wooden or golden statues of Buddha are worshipped. The Buddhist priests do the rounds each day begging food from the homes. Giving to them, earns merits for you to get off the wheel of life and go to Nirvana, which is nothingness.

Can we eat food offered to idols that have been offered at an idolatrous festival? NO! For if we do, we are then fellowshipping with demonic forces and will be putting ourselves at odds with the LORD.

As Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 10: 21 “You cannot drink the cup of demons; you cannot take the Lord’s table and the table of demons.”

The above quotes from 1 Corinthians 10 are an example of the need to be careful when eating in Asia. Yes, we can say grace and ask the Lord for protection, but remember that when Satan failed to tempt Jesus in the wilderness the Word says that he would wait for a more opportune time which he thought he had achieved when Jesus was crucified. Satan is always looking for a niche in us that he may be able to attack.

Final Thoughts:
Just to conclude, while in Thailand we were teaching a youngish Pastor about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One day on my way to his home a Buddhist priest was approaching me on the same side of the road. When he was about 15 metres from me he suddenly crossed the road and when he was about the same distance past me he crossed the road again to my side. I thought about it for about 5 minutes, then the Lord told me that what was in the Buddhist priest knew WHO was in me and did not want a confrontation.

We are the King of King’s kids! Never be afraid or skittish about confronting our enemies, and keep your phone line to the Lord connected at all times!
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