Day By Day - 2 Corinthians 1
By David Passmore
Opening Thoughts:
This letter was written by Paul between 55 and 56 AD. His theme was ‘powerful ministry through weak vessels.’
It was written in Macedonia, as a result of his first visit to Corinth which was ‘painful’ (2 Cor. 2:4), and it was delivered by Titus.
This chapter consists of 5 main parts:
Paul’s greeting in verses 1-2, as usual, identifies him as an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He blesses the church with grace and peace from their Father and Jesus Christ; a blessing that we also can use toward one another, for our Father is the One who, in our smallest need, always comforts us as we keep close to Him in our troubles and successes. (See Ps.23:4).
Point 1: God’s comfort and protection Verses 8-11
Paul’s troubles and dangers were many (See 2 Corinthians 11:23-33).
We see Paul in all his troubles, including the possibility of death, trusting, at all times, the One who called him.
As Christ’s followers, we know that the Lord is always near to comfort and guide us in our times of struggles and troubles. All we need to do is to tell Him of our woes and troubles. Yes, the Lord already knows them, but He loves to hear us trust and confide in Him and give them to Him.
What of His calling on our lives? I used to really fear death by beheading but the Lord took that fear and showed me Revelation 20:4 then, that fear immediately left me.
While in Thailand, during the beginning of the work over there we were in danger of being kidnapped by the Burmese Government because we were working with the Karen people. We were advised to move to the eastern side of Thailand but we knew where the Lord wanted us to work so we refused to be moved. No matter what we face, we know that when we stand in His name all will work out.
Paul came to know the wonderful calling God had on his life and the wondrous way that his beloved Lord protected, guided and taught him. The Lord will do the same for all of us. All that we need to do is commanded by Mary, His mother, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5). This also applies to us.
Point 2: Sincerity Verses 12-14
What people look for today, as in Paul’s day, has not changed. They look closely at us to see if we are sincere. They need to see and know that we truly do share their concerns and have their best interest at heart; their needs, worries, sicknesses etc. Yes, it can be wearing, even heartbreaking at times, but then I think of Jesus. His sincere and unending love will always be there for us.
We see in verses 17-24, Paul revealing that he always seeks the Lord to know what is required of him and how to approach even the most difficult situations. This reminds us that the promises of the Lord are always “YES” - Jesus always fulfils the promises of our Father. This is a wonderful way to start the day. I always ask Him, “What would you have us do today, Lord?” Then I wait for an answer. Lately, He has allowed us to continue with the work around our home.
Point 3: God’s seal on us
Verse 22 - What a wonderful revelation: our Father has sealed us, put His ownership on us by baptising us in the Holy Spirit and He has put His guarantee, His “ar-hrab-ohn” (Greek) upon us. This word tells us that the first payment has been made, the instalment which guarantees full possession. It tells us that the Holy Spirit gives us a taste or guarantee of things to come (Strong’s Concordance 728 Greek). The Holy Spirit is the promise of future joy and contentment in heaven.
Final Thoughts:
Verse 23-2:2 Paul put off his visit to Corinth in consideration of the church. Like anyone of us, he couldn’t be glad as long as they were sorrowful for what had happened in the church.
I believe there have been times when a situation in life or in the church has caused many of us to sorrow. Maybe in the future some problem will cause sorrow. Paul teaches (next chapter) on how we may be able to solve the problem - forgiveness.
Opening Thoughts:
This letter was written by Paul between 55 and 56 AD. His theme was ‘powerful ministry through weak vessels.’
It was written in Macedonia, as a result of his first visit to Corinth which was ‘painful’ (2 Cor. 2:4), and it was delivered by Titus.
This chapter consists of 5 main parts:
- His greeting: verses 1-2
- Comfort in suffering: verses 3-7
- Delivered from suffering: verses 8-11
- Paul’s sincerity: verses 12-14
- Sparing the church: verses 15-24
Paul’s greeting in verses 1-2, as usual, identifies him as an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He blesses the church with grace and peace from their Father and Jesus Christ; a blessing that we also can use toward one another, for our Father is the One who, in our smallest need, always comforts us as we keep close to Him in our troubles and successes. (See Ps.23:4).
Point 1: God’s comfort and protection Verses 8-11
Paul’s troubles and dangers were many (See 2 Corinthians 11:23-33).
We see Paul in all his troubles, including the possibility of death, trusting, at all times, the One who called him.
As Christ’s followers, we know that the Lord is always near to comfort and guide us in our times of struggles and troubles. All we need to do is to tell Him of our woes and troubles. Yes, the Lord already knows them, but He loves to hear us trust and confide in Him and give them to Him.
What of His calling on our lives? I used to really fear death by beheading but the Lord took that fear and showed me Revelation 20:4 then, that fear immediately left me.
While in Thailand, during the beginning of the work over there we were in danger of being kidnapped by the Burmese Government because we were working with the Karen people. We were advised to move to the eastern side of Thailand but we knew where the Lord wanted us to work so we refused to be moved. No matter what we face, we know that when we stand in His name all will work out.
Paul came to know the wonderful calling God had on his life and the wondrous way that his beloved Lord protected, guided and taught him. The Lord will do the same for all of us. All that we need to do is commanded by Mary, His mother, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5). This also applies to us.
Point 2: Sincerity Verses 12-14
What people look for today, as in Paul’s day, has not changed. They look closely at us to see if we are sincere. They need to see and know that we truly do share their concerns and have their best interest at heart; their needs, worries, sicknesses etc. Yes, it can be wearing, even heartbreaking at times, but then I think of Jesus. His sincere and unending love will always be there for us.
We see in verses 17-24, Paul revealing that he always seeks the Lord to know what is required of him and how to approach even the most difficult situations. This reminds us that the promises of the Lord are always “YES” - Jesus always fulfils the promises of our Father. This is a wonderful way to start the day. I always ask Him, “What would you have us do today, Lord?” Then I wait for an answer. Lately, He has allowed us to continue with the work around our home.
Point 3: God’s seal on us
Verse 22 - What a wonderful revelation: our Father has sealed us, put His ownership on us by baptising us in the Holy Spirit and He has put His guarantee, His “ar-hrab-ohn” (Greek) upon us. This word tells us that the first payment has been made, the instalment which guarantees full possession. It tells us that the Holy Spirit gives us a taste or guarantee of things to come (Strong’s Concordance 728 Greek). The Holy Spirit is the promise of future joy and contentment in heaven.
Final Thoughts:
Verse 23-2:2 Paul put off his visit to Corinth in consideration of the church. Like anyone of us, he couldn’t be glad as long as they were sorrowful for what had happened in the church.
I believe there have been times when a situation in life or in the church has caused many of us to sorrow. Maybe in the future some problem will cause sorrow. Paul teaches (next chapter) on how we may be able to solve the problem - forgiveness.
Posted in 2 Corinthians