Day By Day - 1 Corinthians 8
By Leanne Rich
In the chapter before and after Chapter 8, Paul is setting forth the rights and responsibilities that we have as Christians.
In our current society we often see people demanding their rights. Sometimes rights and responsibilities clash: the right to freedom of speech and the responsibility to protect each other from COVID-19. Rights need to be balanced with responsibility.
In this chapter, Paul is specifically talking about eating food offered to idols. This is not a practice seen in Australia, except if you visit a Buddhist or Hindu temple. Then you will see fruit and incense offerings.
What can we make of this chapter for our society today ?
The principle is summarised in verse 9, "Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak."
As Christians we have knowledge of God and freedom to follow our consciences that have been washed clean. But with our right to follow our pure conscience comes the responsibility to watch out for our brothers and sisters. It's not, 'All about me!' This is counter-cultural, especially in our Western societies.
For example, (this is not directed at anyone) some Christians believe having alcohol is in keeping with their conscience, and can enjoy a drink without it causing any problems. Other Christians who may have come out of an alcohol addiction, may see this and believe it is okay for them to drink a little too. This action though, may lead them back into bondage.
Not becoming a stumbling block is a clear and easy principle which leads to harmonious relationships in the church.
How do we put this principle into practice?
1. Realise we have responsibility to not be an offence or stumbling block to others.
2. Be prepared to yield your right to protect a brother or sister's need.
3. Do so with the attitude of servanthood, remembering how Jesus yielded His own right to life and sacrificed Himself for us.
Let's all act in accordance with a pure conscience towards God and man.
In Acts 24:19 we read, "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void to offence toward God, and toward men."
Posted in 1 Corinthians